ATTENTION, another nuclear power plant (Fukushima Daiichi NOT) EXPERIENCE in Japan "problems" UPDATE on that to follow! Delayed release of radiation forecasts, the Japanese government is coming in the dissemination of data projecting the spread of radiation from the Power Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, which initially held back for fear of panic. The relevant data in a computer system called Speed, which predicts the spread of radioactive material the basis of the actual radiationMeasurements at different locations and atmospheric conditions. A joint task force of government and the Tokyo Electric Power Company says that about 5000 bits of unknown data to be published Tuesday. The information will be conducted on the websites of Ministry of Science, the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency and the Nuclear Safety Commission. The Secretary General of the Joint Task Force of the prime minister and adviser, Goshi Hosono, apologized for the delay in publishing the data. Hosono, The task force said the information was because some data were too harsh on assumptions and fear triggers panic. But he said the task force is now believed that the panic can be avoided if it really provides explanations to the projections. He also promised to quickly release all the data in the future. Hosono said the task force makes a monthly check, as TEPCO is to continue with his plan to bring the nuclear crisis under control. The company announced a utilityRecreation ...
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