Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Things to Avoid With Shower Head Water Filters

Things to Avoid With Shower Head Water Filters

Water Filter

Has the threat from having chlorine in our water finally convinced you that now is the time to purchase shower head water filters for your home. The best shower filters are the ones that do not only remove chlorine effectively, but that remove all other threats to you through the shower water as well.

I know that there are dozens of shower head water filters to choose from and that they all seem the same. Not all of them measure up though so you have really go to take your time in order to make sure that you are getting the one that offers you the most protection, and not simply the best price.

That is not to say that the best shower filters have got to be the most expensive, because that is not the case. You just cannot rush out there and grab whatever saves you the most money is all that I am saying. Take for example the following comparison between a model, and its competitor.

The shower head water filters have to have the filter replaced every 3 months at a cost of each time, which would make your first years expenditure 0. The model needs the filter replaced every 6 months at each, which means that you spend 9 for the first year. It will then cost you more every year to maintain the "lower"priced filter.

Not quite the frugal move that you thought that it would be was it? Not only that, but the filter only blocks 50% of the chlorine content in the water and nothing else where the blocks 90% plus 3 other contaminant groups. By purchasing what you thought were the best shower filters for your wallet you actually ended up with less for more.

Shower head water filters should block not only chlorine effectively, but should also do much more. Your filter needs to block a high percentage of VOCs or volatile organic compounds. These are a grouping of compounds that have high vapor pressures, which could do your body harm if inhaled frequently.

The best shower filters will also block trihalomethanes (THMs), which are a byproduct of the chlorine disinfection process. When the THMs reach you shower head they take on their true form which is actually that of chloroform gas. This is something else that you do not want to be inhaling on a daily basis through your shower steam.

Shower head water filters should be an affordable safety net between your family and the harmful impurities in your water. If you find the one that removes or reduces everything that you need to in order to protect your health and it comes with a price tag that will make you happy, then that is one of the best shower filters that you could ever buy.

Just remember the lesson from earlier in this article, and be careful which shower head water filters you buy, because a bargain is not always a good deal.

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